Saturday 8 November 2014

Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights


Private Member’s Bill

Canada fares surprisingly poorly when it comes to protecting the environment. In 2013, the Conference Board of Canada ranked us 15th out of 17 countries based on a wide range of environmental metrics. Tens of thousands of Canadians die prematurely each year because of environmental hazards such as air pollution, and millions suffer illnesses.

Source :  No Breathing Room
               National Illness Costs of Air Pollution

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair says the private member’s bill introduced by Edmonton MP Linda Duncan would safeguard the right of present and future generations to have a clean environment.

Duncan says the bill also gives people the right to take the federal government to court when those rights are denied. It’s the second time Duncan has tried to enact an environmental bill of rights. She says the Conservatives and Liberals shot down her first bill five years ago.


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