Wednesday 15 January 2014

How Much Do Our MPs Make?

Here's a rundown of how much our MPs make depending on their position in the House.

MP - $157,731
The base salary for a Member of Parliament is $157,731. Being named to cabinet or other positions nets an MP extra pay.

Government and Opposition Whip - $186,151
NDP MP Nycole Turmel is the Official Opposition Whip.

Leaders of Other Parties - $211,425
Bob Rae is the interim leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Minister of State - $214,368
Tim Uppal is the Minister of State for Democratic Reform. Ministers of State are essentially junior cabinet ministers.

Cabinet Minister - $233,247
Jim Flaherty is Minister of Finance.  All ministers also receive a car allowance of $2,122.

Leader of the Opposition - $233,247
As NDP chief, Thomas Mulair is leader of the Official Opposition. He also receives a $2,122 car allowance.

Speaker of the House - $233,247
Andrew Scheer is currently serving as speaker. On top of his salary, Scheer receives a rent allowance of $3,000 and a car allowance of $1,061.

Prime Minister - $315,462
As Prime Minister, Stephen Harper also receives a car allowance of $2,112

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