Sunday 5 October 2014

Canada's Least, Mopst Popular Premiers

Source: Angus Reid online survey, June, 2014

NOTE: Prince Edward Island was not polled.

Nova Scotia premier McNeil in virtual tie with Saskatchewan’s Wall for most popular

9. Greg Selinger, Manitoba (NDP)
Approve: 26%
Disapprove: 66%
Unsure: 8%

8. David Alward, New Brunswick (PC)
Approve: 29%
Disapprove: 59%
Unsure: 12%

7. Kathleen Wynne, Ontario (Liberal)
Approve: 33%
Disapprove: 59%
Unsure: 7%

6. Christy Clark, British Columbia (Liberal)
Approve: 37%
Disapprove: 56%
Unsure: 7%

5. Dave Hancock, Alberta (PC) (Interim)
Approve: 39%
Disapprove: 38%
Unsure: 23%

4. Philippe Couillard, Quebec (Liberal)
Approve: 59%
Disapprove: 35%
Unsure: 7%

3. Tom Marshall, Newfoundland and Labrador (PC) (Interim)
Approve: 59%
Disapprove: 28%
Unsure: 13%

2. Stephen McNeil , Nova Scotia (Liberal)
Approve: 66% 
Disapprove: 23%
Unsure: 11%

1. Brad Wall, Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Party)
Approve: 67%
Disapprove: 28%
Unsure: 5%

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