Saturday 4 October 2014

What Leaders Said About Iraq In 2003

'It Always Is Easier To Get Into A War Than To Get Out Of One'

Justin Trudeau's Speech Against Iraq Combat Mission

Former prime minister Jean Chretien

"If military action in Iraq is launched without a new U.N. resolution, Canada will not participate."

Fomer Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper

"We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters."

Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day in Wall Street Journal
"Today, the world is at war. A coalition of countries under the leadership of the U.K. and the U.S. is leading a military intervention to disarm Saddam Hussein. Yet Prime Minister Jean Chretien has left Canada outside this multilateral coalition of nations.

This is a serious mistake. For the first time in history, the Canadian government has not stood beside its key British and American allies in their time of need."

Former NDP leader Jack Layton

"We say to George Bush, as Canadians: Read our Canadian lips. We say peace. Not war." 

Former Bloc leader Gilles Duceppe
"This war is not only pointless, it also represents a serious mistake. On this issue, we are solidly behind the government." 

Former PC leader Joe Clark
"The prime minister is wrong to say that he alone is defending the United Nations. I think in fact he is stepping aside from an action that is legitimate under the United Nations."
Former U.S. ambassador to Canada Paul Cellucci
"We would be there for Canada, part of our family, and that is why so many in the United States are disappointed and upset that Canada is not fully supporting us now."
Former foreign affairs minister Bill Graham
"The decision we took does not reflect any illusions about the brutality of Saddam Hussein and his regime. It was a decision based on our judgment about the interest of Canadians in accordance with our principles and our deep and longstanding commitment to the United Nations and multilateral system and to the Security Council process."

Former Ontario premier Ernie Eves
"We believe it is important to support our good American neighbours to the south as you have been our allies and our friends for many decades now."

Former Alberta premier, Ralph Klein
"We recognize and appreciate the leadership role the U.S. has taken in the war on terrorism." 

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney
"If I were still there, it would have been a different decision, I guarantee you that."

Academic turned federal Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff
"I still think the President is right when he says that Iraq and the world will be better off with Saddam disarmed, even, if necessary, through force."

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