Sunday, 29 December 2013

Canada's Fastest Growing Provinces By GDP

Source: StatsCan

Northwest Territories: -5.1%
The Northwest Territories were the only jurisdiction in Canada that saw a negative growth rate in 2011, largely due to a decline in diamond exports.

New Brunswick: 0%
New Brunswick's economy flatlined in 2011 due to lacklustre business investment and a pull-back in government spending.

Nova Scotia: 0.5%
Business investment grew strongly but consumer spending was weak in Atlantic Canada's most populous province in 2011.

Prince Edward Island: 1.6%
Business investment grew rapidly but foreign trade declined in Canada's smallest province in 2011.

Ontario: 1.8%
Canada's most populous province didn't grow as strongly in 2011 as it did in 2010, but a big jump in imports and exports helped to keep the province in positive territory.

Quebec: 1.9%
Consumer spending helped keep Quebec afloat in 2011, despite a major slowdown in business investment into the housing sector.

Manitoba: 2%
Heavy rains and flooding put a damper on economic growth in Manitoba in 2011, but the province still saw a significant increase in consumer demand.

British Columbia: 2.8%
Business investment in housing in B.C. in 2011 grew at double the rate of 2010, helping the province to a solid economic performance.

Newfoundland: 3%
Construction for the oil, gas and mining sectors boomed in Newfoundland in 2011, helping to propel the island to one of the higher growth rates seen among Canadian provinces.

Nunavut: 4.6%
Nunvaut's 4.6 per cent growth rate in 2011 is nothing compared to its 16.6 per cent growth rate the year before, but the territory booming gold and silver mining sectors are still humming along nicely.

Saskatchewan: 4.9%
Growing oil exports and a housing investment boom drove Saskatchewan's economy to an impressive growth rate in 2011.

Alberta: 5.1%
The fastest-growing province in Canada in 2011 saw its exports jump a formidable 9.2 per cent over the course of the year.

Yukon Territory: 6.5%
The Yukon hasn't been thought of as a boom region since the Gold Rush of the 19th century, but mineral exploration is still driving its economy today. At 6.5 per cent, the territory had the fastest economic growth in 2011 of any Canadian jurisdiction.

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